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Leave your footprints on Mother Earth by your Good Deeds

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Do you believe in the importance of doing a good deed and need some guidance on where to start? It's all about making small changes to your daily routine.


This is a platform for individuals, communities and organizations that help people take collective action for social good. This Platform helps you find and share ways to do good, support your favourite cause and make a difference.

Holding Hands

Good Deeds

Work You Will Love To Do As Well - Our Individual Social Responsibility


Feed The Needy

Its what we do that counts...and these Good Samaritans are showing us the way - distributing free homecooked food, medical supplies and other essentials to the homeless [the abandoned and the elderly people] in various locations.

They are showing the world that we don't need to have deep pockets or be rich to help the needy, all that's required is a great heart...


Sustainable Living

We have harmed our nature to an extent where climate disruptions are really getting worse by the day. 


We as humans have a big responsibility to focus on key environmental issues and take necessary actions. We need to make environmental conservation a habit in our daily life, and this has to start from our home.


Let's create models around us - beginning from our home!


Blood Donation

Blood donation charity "Gift of Heart" was started by youngsters in Kerala as a WhatsApp group. They have ensured blood for the needy in time. Recently this initiative has been registered as a charitable society and is undertaking yeoman services for the needy. 


GOHS, with more than 2000 active members is a community that works to connect Patients who is in need of blood, with Blood Donors. 


Waste Management

Many of us does not think much about the trash we throw away. Let's understand that our old stuff becomes new for someone!

Zero Waste Management is a theory that has multiple definitions. The basic principle is that nothing should be thrown into landfills– that everything is somehow reused or repurposed. 

There’s no better place to take some practical steps towards zero waste than in your own home.

About Apt Karma

Contributing that small bit for Mother Earth and humanity, which helps retain the delicate link between the two..

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Sea View Avenue July 2019 005.JPG

Nature Protects those who Protect Her

Environmental Conservation has to become a daily habit in our life. Only localised efforts can bring desired results.



Sustainability isn’t a commodity as much as it is a lifestyle. It has immediate as well as long-term rewards.

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Heavenly Sky


The only thing in the world over which we have any control is ourselves.

As Children we have grown up eating various fruits and vegetables, not to forget rice made in our own surroundings. Our Grandma used to keep planting various fruit trees like Mango, Custard Apple, Rose Apple, Jackfruit, Gooseburry, Guava, Bananas, Chikku etc. In our Kitchen Garden we used to have various vegetables grown as well. ​

Today with advent of Nuclear Families and Apartment culture these experiences have become unknown to the current generation kids.


With concerns steadily increasing about the current state and quality of our environment and the ongoing issue of climate change, many people are seeking to live a more sustainable lifestyle.

This encouraged us to stay focussed on contributing something for the Mother Earth and Humanity which helps retain the delicate link between the two, thus making it favourable for us and the generations to come.

Our Purpose in Life

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